Sunday, November 21, 2010

Demo Coming Soon!

Josef's theme, "One-Eyed Maestro," is now playing in your head on repeat:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

As you'll notice, the color scheme is significantly darker than the one used in Dandy Girl. This is appropriate--the storyline is much darker.

The second "episode" may be illustrated by a different artist.
Nonetheless, enjoy this little preview.

A demo will be out soon!

Promotional Image for Dusk- Episode One

We're still looking for a website designer--Dusk has a development blog but no official website.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Project--"Dusk"

Three mystery games revolving around the cases involving German detective Josef Briggs and his assistant, Shirley Ibsen.

Currently looking for proofreaders/music-makers/additional artists/etc.!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Past Fiction Project: Dandy Girl

I haven't posted anything about fiction in a while. Come on, give me some slack--I'm a journalist. I spend more time getting juicy gossipy stories. But anyway, yes, I've got some fiction stuff for you, today.

About a year ago I became involved with an indie game project. Basically, some people (mostly anonymous) got together and created a text-based game centered around a rewrite of Robert F. Young's "The Dandelion Girl." Which I ended up writing. Since the project wasn't particularly motivated/energized, it didn't exactly go forward at breakneck speed. But eventually, it was finished, and it achieved a moderate amount of popularity on the internet (some parts being regarded as "hilariously bad").

If any of you are interested, click the link at the bottom of this post to go to the download page on my official site, where you can download the game (don't worry, it's small) for free. I'll attach a screenshot and see if it nabs your interest.

To Download Page

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've been writing consistently for a long time, now, but unfortunately I haven't been updating my online sources very much. I'm going to fix that. I am going to work on moving much of my printed/stored fiction to this blog very soon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"Clown"- Flash Fiction


The two women were “on duty”—but it was a low-key parade in a low-key town, so there was no pressure, they thought. They—Lola and Macky—were reaching for their second donuts when they saw the man with a pasty-white face and red rubber nose. The crowd gave him just one glance, then returned to guzzling soda and devouring fried dough, but Lola and Macky could not.

There was a Halloween float, a float promoting some apple orchard, and so on—but no float for clowns. This pasty man who didn't belong took something metallic and heavy-looking from his baggy trousers, then hopped down from one float to scramble after the next, and Lola and Macky felt their hearts lodged in their throats.

An old man with hair all over his hands and none on his head directed the one passing, on which a massive tractor with the words “John Deere” painted on the side sat. He faced left and right, waving so mechanically you might think he was part of the float. He paid no mind to the clown, either.

The clown hurried after the old man, taking great leaps until he finally landed on the back of the float. Then, like a spider, the clown inched up the back.

Lola and Macky cried for the clown to stop, seeing him shifting something heavy and silver in one hand while he used the other for balance. They, too, scrambled after the float.

In a hot minute they were on the back of the float, as well, and now the number of passengers had risen to four. The armed clown looked back down, startled and panicked and hurried up the side, shifting the metal object from one gloved hand to the other. The onlookers pointed and made disapproving noises.

The officers' hearts skipped a beat. They saw the clown reach the top of the platform and confront the old man. The old man blinked, and stared at the clown with a confused and horrified expression, and the officers drew their guns.

Bang—sizzle. The tazer wasn't quite a gun, but was enough to knock a man clear off his feet, and another scrambled down the side of the float and into the crowd. The old man fell, and the clown fled.

Lola put her tiny on the old man's hand to feel for a pulse, and Macky bitched and cussed after the clown who'd vanished from the scene. And, after a moment, they both noticed the heavy metal piece the clown had dropped beside the old man in his panic.

No barrel, no trigger—It was a key. A key that had “John Deere” scribbled on it, like the float. A key that was apparently meant to be returned, Lola and Macky realized, as they looked to the controls of the farming float and noticed that one shiny piece was missing from beside the steering wheel.

The crowd took more embarrassing photos of Lola and Macky than they would ever care or need for, then paused and continued to photograph the next float. It was a float late to the parade, apparently still a little premature, which was short of one clown.